Monday, July 18, 2022

PDM Sensitization, A total of 100 participants have attended and participated in the PDM District training. In attendance, The training is to strengthen PD we have Hon Minister Dr JaneRutAceng Dr. OpioAcuti
, Hon Judith Alyek (Woman MP). We are grateful for the Teamwork accorded for the success of this program.
PDM (Parish Development Modal ) is A multi-sectoral strategy for socio-economic transformation, aimed at moving the 39% of Ugandan households in the subsistence economy to the money economy.
The PDM wil create Wealth, Employment and increase Household Incomes.

The PDM has seven Pillars i.e.

(1) Production, Storage, Processing and Marketing;

(2) Infrastructure and Economic Services;

(3) Financial Inclusion;

(4) Social Services;

(5) Mindset change;

(6) Parish Based Management Information System

(7) Governance and Administration.

The PDM is therefore a Government approach that delivers a package of services and entails;

The Model proposes building infrastructure and systems that support the processing and marketing of Uganda’s agricultural products.
Generating data on households country-wide to inform Government interventions.
Farmers at the Parish level will be coordinated through area-based commodity clusters in order to increase production and productivity that will create sustainable agricultural production.
Farmers will get access to Agricultural extension services, and finance business Management training.
Build infrastructure and systems that support processing and marketing of Uganda’s agricultural products.
Strengthen participatory planning by local communities to collectively identify and address systemic bottlenecks that affect local economic development.
Addressing vulnerability among youth, women, PWDs at the grassroots by developing and Implementing Action Plans for inclusion of disadvantaged interest groups
Priority Commodities for the Parish Model include
Coffee, Cotton, Cocoa, Cassava, Tea, Vegetable Oils (Inc. Oil Palm), Maize, Rice, Sugar Cane, Fish, Diary, Beef, Bananas, Beans, Avocado, Shea Nut, Cashew Nuts, Macadamia